Business women

are in your target group?

Perfect, we have something in common.

Business women

are in your target group?

Perfect, we have something in common.

Empowering Women in Business

Our Concept

David’s company, Speak to Shine, has helped hundreds of
corporate women Be Seen, Be Heard and Get Paid What They’re Worth.

In line with these objectives, the magazine has been put together
in response to an increasingly prevalent problem, namely that perfectly
brilliant women are being overlooked, spoken over and -frankly – squashed.
If you’re not one of these women, I guarantee that you know one.

This magazine includes:

Some facts

More women on the board the better

Thomson Reuters examined a number of companies with 3 women on the board against companies with 1 woman on the board and found the more women, the better the company fares during times of economic turmoil.

Our target group is growing

In the last 2 years the percentage of women on the boards of FTSE 100 companies rose from 36.2% to 39.1%

Our track record is great

Speak to Shine has a great track record in helping its female clients achieve 30% or more pay rises. Putting between £100 & £300k extra into their pockets.

With who we

want to cooperate.

We want to cooperate with businesses who offer complimentary
services for our audience of women in the corporate and
entrepreneur space.
Imagine having your brand name directly in front of
15000+ of your perfect clients. Think how you can
build trust with that audience so your brand is the one
nearest the front of their mind.
Some of the industries that Speak to Shine has served include

Saying the right thing at the right time is key

Your Benefits

More Visibility

Get full page visibility to our mutual target marketplace. Have your brand at the front of the minds of 15000 readers who are the perfect people to use your service

Unstoppable Movement

Get visibility for being part of an unstoppable movement for positive change.

High Levels of Trust

Press Ads are still the most affordable method of getting a message in front of an audience and are proven to create high levels of trust.

We would be happy to send you our media package by email.

In the media package you can learn all about: