Be Seen, Be Heard,

Get Paid What You’re Worth

What if there was nothing dimming
your light? What if everyone else could
see your worth? What if whenever you
talked, people sat up and listened?

Be Seen, Be Heard,

Get Paid What You’re Worth

What if there was nothing dimming your light? What if everyone else could see your worth? What if whenever you talked, people sat up and listened?

Three Facts

“A lot of virtue signalling and posturing goes on around equal opportunities, but not a lot of action. Take control of your career path and your life, today.“

Empowering Women in Business

Speak to Shine is for any woman who…

…wants to take charge of the impact they create.
…wants to provide more value in their role or business.
…wants to create influence, even when they’re not in the room.
…wants to be the best version of themselves, right now.
…wants to get paid what they’re truly worth.
Add £10,000 (or more) to your income every year, whether you own a business or want to achieve more in your corporate role.

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About our

Speak to Shine Magazine

Speak to Shine is a brand-new quarterly magazine from David
Roylance, which is set to launch in the new year.
David’s company, Speak to Shine, has helped hundreds of corpo-
rate women “Be Seen, Be Heard and Get Paid What They’re Worth.”

In line with these objectives, the magazine has been put together
in response to an increasingly prevalent problem, namely that per-
fectly brilliant women are being overlooked, spoken over and –
frankly – squashed. If you’re not one of these women, I guarantee
that you know one.

The magazine will include interviews, case studies and features that
offer thought leadership, cover the latest developments and put for-
ward solutions.

The readership: Corporate women at board level or with board
level aspirations across industries including
(but by no means limited to) Finance, Law, Cloud Transformation,
Data Security, Technology and Healthcare.

Who is

David Roylance?

Bestselling author David Roylance is Europe’s leading smasher
of glass ceilings. He has been empowering women in the work-
place to achieve what they’re worth for over a decade.

Having trained with the world’s best mentors from the worlds
of voice, neuro linguistics and entrepreneurship, David’s super-
power is connecting women with their worth and helping them
project it to the world.

He has spent time with Patsy Rodenburg (who is widely credited
with teaching Barack Obama to have stage presence), Ian
McDermott ‘the king of NLP from an ethical standpoint’, and
internationally-renowned award-winning entrepreneurs, inter-
national investors, speakers, trainers and mentors Kane and
Alessia Minkus, who showed him how to resonate at a level that
changes the world – a journey he has since continued with the UK’s
numberone business mentors, Chris and Karene Lambert-Gorwyn.

Saying the right thing at the right time is key


David Gil Cristóbal

Co-Founder & Managing Director

David Roylance

Co-Founder & Managing Director

Alice Cooke

Head Editor

Some Testimonials